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Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes how (“diydalias,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) collects, uses, and shares information about visitors to the websites and blogs of our users (“Sites”).

Information We Collect

We collect information about visitors to Sites in three ways:

  • Information a Visitor Provides: This includes comments, sign-up information (like email addresses for following or subscribing), survey responses, order and shipment information (if a Site uses our ecommerce features), and other information entered on the Site (like contact forms or search queries).
  • Information We Collect Automatically: This may include technical data (IP address, browser type, device identifiers, language preference, referring site, access date/time, operating system, mobile network information), visitor interactions (“likes,” “ratings”), approximate location (from IP address), Akismet commenter information (to fight spam), Crowdsignal response information (for surveys), Intense Debate commenter information (if used), Jetpack Site Activity (login attempts, comments), and information from cookies and other tracking technologies (used to analyze usage and deliver targeted ads, if enabled).
  • Information from Our Users: Our Users may provide us with additional information about their Site visitors, such as through directory uploads.

How We Use Visitor Information

We use visitor information to provide services to our Users and their Sites, including creating and managing Sites, selling products and services, fighting spam, and collecting survey data. We may also use and share anonymized or de-identified information for statistical purposes.

How We Share Visitor Information

We may share visitor information in limited circumstances:

  • Subsidiaries, Employees, and Contractors: Who need the information to help us provide services or process information on our behalf. They are required to follow this Policy.
  • Third-Party Vendors: Who need the information to provide services to us or our Users, bound by privacy agreements.
  • Legal Requests: In response to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal requirements.
  • To Protect Rights and Others: When we believe disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, property, or the safety of others.
  • Business Transfers: In the event of a merger, acquisition, or bankruptcy.
  • Publicly Shared Information: Information visitors choose to make public (comments, “likes”) is available to others, including usernames and Gravatars. Public information may also be indexed by search engines or used by third parties.

How Long We Keep Visitor Information

We generally discard visitor information when it’s no longer needed for the purposes described above. For example, we keep server logs for 30 days to investigate Site issues and IP addresses for 30 days for Site Stats calculations.

Other Tools

Sites may contain ads and integrate third-party tools (like Google Analytics) that collect visitor information. This Policy only covers our collection practices, not those of any third party. Please refer to those third parties’ privacy policies for more information.

Your Choices

For information on managing cookies and opting out of interest-based advertising, please visit, (US), and (EU).

Contact Us

If you have questions about this Policy, please contact us at [insert contact information for

Updates to this Policy

We may update this Policy at any time. The updated Policy will be posted on this page.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on May 20, 2024.